Learn How to Successfully Manufacture a Product Overseas

The “So, You Need to Source a Product Overseas?” Whitepaper

If you are thinking about outsourcing a product OR you are already outsourcing overseas but are running into complications - this whitepaper will be the blueprint of all things related to manufacturing outsourcing.

You will get all the details on how we help our clients successfully manufacture overseas, despite the inherent complexities!

Download your FREE copy, and don't make the mistakes that we have seen over and over again!

The “So, You Need to Source a Product Overseas?” Whitepaper

Here is a sneak peek of what you will find in the whitepaper - we use these exact methods to help our clients successfully manufacture their products overseas!

Factory Selection

This is a vital part of your production process! In this whitepaper, you will get the details on why you need to pick the right factory to manufacture your product, so you don't waste time and resources.


Learn the difference between "first-cost" and "landed" cost components of overseas manufacturing pricing and why it's so important to manage both to maximize profitability.

International Business Practices and Cultural Considerations

Get the details on how to ensure a working relationship with factories overseas, so that your product is produced to your satisfaction. Learn how to avoid frustration through effective communication.

Risk Management and Delivery

You will get the details on how to mitigate the risk of outsourcing your product, along with the details on how to lower the risk of delivery issues related to real-world issues. Like the pandemic!

The “So, You Need to Source a Product?” Whitepaper

Here is what to expect when you download your free copy:

Hi! We are Global Nexus!

We are committed to helping our clients get the best offshore manufacturing experience by getting them connected with the right information and team of manufacturing experts. To help you start on the right foot, we created this whitepaper so you don't have to make the mistakes that are usually common for new business owners that manufacture overseas.

The idea of manufacturing a product overseas is daunting, especially when you don't have the support of experienced professionals who understand the process and best practices to ensure your product's success.

Think about it… Are you putting time and resources into a product to be created in a foreign country, where you have no idea how or where it is manufactured?

And when issues arise (and they will), how do you even know what those issues are, and how to fix them before something catastrophic happens?

If you're like many businesses, you don't have the time or expertise to manage these issues. You are basically throwing darts blindfolded…

And guess what? 

Many people make a mistake because they are inexperienced and think they can jump in and do it all alone, without doing proper research and getting the help they need!

You might find yourself lost in terms of what to do next to ensure the success of your product, and that can create major risks for your business.

Offshore manufacturing is a complex process… but you're one step ahead because we have your back.

In the “So, You Need to Source a Product” whitepaper, you will learn the most important things you need to know about manufacturing a product overseas!

Here are some things you can expect when you download your copy:

  • Price - learn the two critical components of price that must be managed in order to maximize profitability.

  • Get the details on international and cultural business practices - how to communicate despite language barriers and not knowing the ins & outs of manufacturing overseas.

  • How to select a factory to manufacture your product - to ensure that you have the best possible chance of producing the best product.

  • Break of risk management - how you can implement strategies to avoid economic issues.

  • Production management and quality control - how you can avoid issues that cause an entire product run to be rejected, product recalls, etc.

  • Packaging and delivery - how to ensure your product is packaged correctly and shipped on time.

Before you dive head first into the outsourcing world…

Make sure to grab your copy and get all the details listed in this whitepaper, to ensure you have the best possible chance of success.

You don't want to waste your time and money and dive into outsourcing your product unaware of the complexities.

This whitepaper will be your best friend because it lays down the foundation of what you need to understand before you even pick a factory to manufacture your product!

Get your copy and avoid the common mistakes business owners make!

Why download the Whitepaper & go through the trouble?

After helping countless clients successfully produce a highly successful product, we learned a thing or two about offshore manufacturing…

This is good news for you…

Because we listed some of the most imposing matters related to offshore manufacturing, all are listed inside this whitepaper to help you get crystal clear on what you need to know before getting into it!

By reading this whitepaper, you will have all questions answered about the main things related to offshore manufacturing.

This whitepaper is exactly what you need if you can relate to any of these categories:

You are thinking about manufacturing a product overseas, but have no idea where to start and how to ensure the success of your product.

You are already manufacturing overseas, and you are running into some issues. You need help sorting out some problems coming up in terms of production, delivery, and communication of your product.

You are curious about what companies like (Global Nexus) do to help business owners successfully manufacture their products overseas.

Or you just want to educate yourself about all things offshore manufacturing!

No matter where you are… This whitepaper is a perfect start to ensure you have up-to-date knowledge, and are using the best practices to ensure success.

Not sure if this Whitepaper is for you?

Many business owners jump into the game not knowing what they are doing, and the results can be catastrophic; failed launches, cost overruns and unacceptable business risk.

There are so many issues with offshore manufacturing, and one of the biggest mistakes they make is picking the wrong factory to manufacture their product.


This results in products that are not up to standards, a mistake in manufacturing, and even packaging and shipping issues!

This whitepaper is exactly what you need if you are thinking about manufacturing overseas, and need some guidance and the bigger picture of this process.

Our clients pay for these consultation details, and you are getting them for FREE!

There is nothing to lose, this FREE whitepaper serves as a road map to help you get all the ins & outs of manufacturing overseas.

Download Your FREE Copy

And get the latest details on manufacturing overseas.

Find out the risk involved, what you need to know before diving in, and how to start manufacturing overseas and avoid the risks involved!

All Rights Reserved 2022. Global Nexus